Doesn't seem to do a much better job than the thing it's refuting
Except a pretty clear picture of a small piece of debris from the plane. I do have to agree with Yz33d, if a plane didn't do it, then what did, and where is the proof. We have plenty of incidents of truch bombs revealing quite a bit of easially spottable debris. (WTC 1993, Oklahoma City, etc...) A plane on the other hand going 350mph and hitting the ground, then a very strong building is not going to leave anything much bigger then the pieces shown in photos. We have plenty of examples of that as well. And with the wings carying the fuel, they definitly exploded on impact as seen by the security camera footage. Notice how the fireball starts outside on the ground and not in the building like with the towers. The wings impacted, ignited, and exploded before the plane body at that point entered the building. Anything left of the wings would have just been small pieces carried in alongside the body.