As a matter of fact, as of 1437 PST, there are exactly 1136 police, medical and private flights (planes, helicopters, etc) in the air and exactly 3189 that are commercial airliners. Don't ask about military. The biggest concentrations of flights at the moment are in and out of Atlanta (ATL), Dallas Fort Worth (DFW), Chicago O'hare ORD and LA International LAX. I can tell you precisely where each and every single one of those planes with precise coordinates, i can tell you the last known radar & transponder response, I can tell you exactly how high, how fast, how far along its filed route it is. I can see from the top of Canada all the way down into Mexico.

If you mom is taking a flight, I can tell you exactly the pinpoint coordinates of where she is down to the inch. If we can intercept a flight, you bet your ass we can.
