Philip, I don't know where/how you got that sound bite as quickly as you did last time. Was it because you happened to have it on your hard disk, or did you go to the trouble of a rip?
If it's something easy for you to grab (i.e, you're not going to any trouble to do so), then last night's episode had a couple more gems that I'd like for my own use. Do you happen to have them?
The first one had the gang going to a robotics trade show, and one of the Killbots was being demonstrated to the crowd. The presenter said something about how one of the Killbot's features was "Lotus Notes". That made me lose it.

(We're a Notes house here)
Later in the same episode, Bender leads a group of luddite robots (yes, the inherent contradiction therein was played up in the episode) to attack the city, and says something about it being "worthy of being immortalized in an anthem by Rush".