Since I know there are many people here that use Palm devices, I thought I'd share something cool I've come across in the past week. The author of Betaplayer for PPC ported much of the code to the Palm platform and released a new Media player called TCPMP (The Core Pocket Media Player). It's fast, open source, virtually flawless in video playback and can be
downloaded here. I love it when an open source project can totally crush all other products in the same space (MMPlayer, Kinoma) in only a few weeks.
I've been ripping my DVDs to pocket-sized XviD files using
Fair Use Wizard so I can play them on my Tungsten T5. I bought a
crystal clear case for my PDA and ripped some cartoons so now my son can watch cartoons on my Palm. Quality on the palm is pretty good at around ~256M a movie, so I could fit 4 movies onto my 1g SD card.