I'm just nice to them.

Initially it didn’t start out like that. At first it was just one guy (Josh). For the first couple of months we played cat and mouse. I would be speeding, but either he would fail to lock me in and try to bluff me or he couldn’t get a good reading because of my car and my position in traffic. Like all things the more you practice something the better you get at it. Eventually I got nailed, but we had a Smokey and the Bandit part III sort of think happening. Anyway, one day Josh and I got to talking over the summons and I asked him if he planned on staying with the state troopers, he told me that he was trying to get into the U.S. Marshall’s office, but was not having any luck finding resources. I told him that if he gave me his email address that I would see what I could find on the internet for him. A lot of people here in southern Louisiana are still getting used to the idea of email. He told me that he didn’t have one, and after finding out that he indeed has access to an internet connection, I told him I’d set one up for him and next week, I’d tell him how to access it.

Any way long story short I started stopping off every once in a while to the local troop headquarters to pay tickets from other troopers and they started to recognize me from Josh and told me that if someone “would help’a bastard like Josh,” then I must be ok.
They told me that if I passed one of their driving courses that they would take it easy on me.

The driving course was more fun than anything. It had stuff like 180 spins and J turns (the kind of stuff the do to cars in movies). In return I build them cheap computers and offer some financial advice. It works out nice.

_______________________________________ former owner...now I'm just another schmuck