Hmmm! Can't fault your reasoning, but I took a rather different approach:
Make quick, straight run, rough copies, using no filters and gizmos, but tag them properly, so that you have them in your MP3, or whatever, collection. This gives you the chance to see which ones you really want:
a. Why the hell did I ever like this?
b. That's really great, I haven't heard it in years.
Then, over a period of months, without getting bored by rushing in to wall to wall vinyl cleaning, you can decide which CD's to seek out and buy, and which to spend time editing. Then keep the rest just for reference purposes.
Saves a lot of time working on stuff you'll probably never listen to. In a lot of cases, I've just picked the odd track from an old album and really polished it up and left the rest alone.
........and you're never going to be satisfied with anything that you've been keeping on cassette, even if you used the best chrome tapes on a fantastic Nakiamachi CD deck!
Oh, and I have a back catalogue rule, never spend more than £5.00 a CD, if it's not in this clearout, leave it on your list and come back for the next one: If it's twenty years since you heard it on vinyl, six months to a year isn't going to hurt!!!!
Politics and Ideology: Not my bag