Hi Everyone. I've just discovered the Empeg devices and this wonderful forum and have already received help from members here.

I too am here because I want to transcribe my vinyl collection for listening in the car.

But I can't read some of the comments above without saying something.

There seems to be an assumption that anything old is inferior - 60s tape machines and vinyl. Well I listen to vinyl at home out of preference to CD or MP3. Whatever technical arguments you throw at me, it just sounds better to my ears - more detailed, more 'realistic' and natural. Yes, there is hiss, pops, clicks etc and I understand anyone weaned in a digital era might find this alarming but I grew up with LPs and my brain filters these out. I also know that *some* recordings were manipulated to fit the technical limitations of LP but the underlying quality to me sounds better. This opinion has been formed from over 20 years listening to (home) hi-fi systems, some of them (often unjustifiably) costing huge amounts of money, but also some of the best kit out there.

I don't want to get into a technical debate - I am quite open to the possibility that vinyl's 'superiority' is some kind of 'nice' distortion. In fact, when I record vinyl to digital, the recording often sounds better to me than an original CD of the same music. My own opinion is that both systems have flaws but vinyl’s are easier on the ear.

If this makes you recoil with laughter, can I suggest trying some of my WAV files rather than starting a technical debate.

I hope this won't make all you nice people shy away from helping me!