I also really like Battlefield 2.

The only other game I've been spending any time with is GTR Racing, which is a FIA GTR simulator. The driving physics are amazing and it will definitely show off your $400 graphics card. The only problem is that this is a *simulator*, so you've got to be willing to deal with that. A wheel, preferably with force feedback and pedals are a necessity. The GT cars have 600 hp and are quite a handful. The game also has NGT cars (440hp) and the Lotus Elise, which drives a lot like a street-legal BMW M3. If you start with the Lotus, you can have fun with the game right away. If you start with the Ferrari 550, you'll be frustrated...

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas was amusing, too, but it gets tedious after a while.

I've never played it, but a friend of mine has played a lot of Painkiller and claims its one of the best FPS games ever. I watched him play it and the graphics are stunning.
