Yup, did 100% of it, design, graphics, text, everything. I guess that's what 100% means (it still means that right?) I'm a bit overworked as my girlfriend will sadly confirm. But hopefully not going looney yet.
The design, illustration and layout were all done in Adobe Illustrator too. No Photoshop. All the XHTML and CSS were done by hand in GoLive's source editor (I used GoLive pretty much only because it manages all your files as a "Site" - I didn't use any of its tools). If you look at the source you'll probably wonder what I've been smoking. I don't profess to be very good at XHTML nor CSS - I still had to rely on a few tables to hold everything together.

Peter, isn't it "Call the cops!" ? I'd actually love to get a sample of the very start of the song and throw it onto the page somewhere so when you click a secret area it will play back. "You're twistin my melon man"
The name I conceived in 1999 (because of the Happy Mondays song Peter referenced) and the domain I registered in early 2000. I've finally found something to do with it.

Oh, there are two visual "easter eggs" on every page (part of the common template bits). One of them doesn't work in IE6. They were really quick to do so I threw them in.
If you have an eye for subtlety, you'll notice all links have both a roll-over state as well as an active state (the state you see when you actually click them). Due to IE6 not supporting Alpha channels in PNG graphics, I'm only using two 32bit PNGs with Alpha - the leaves on the right and a shadow mask I apply to the tabs when clicked. I'm using a "behavior" PNG hack for IE to allow Alpha to load through DirectX for explicit image tags so the leaves on the right work in IE6. But that hack doesn't work with background images that I am using pretty much everywhere else as part of the template (including the tab shading - so I had to override that as blank for IE6)
To my amazement, the XHTML does validate (or it did when I tested it a few days ago) and the CSS mostly validates (except for an issue with some mozilla specific style I used at the very top and a bucket-load of warning for missing color tags).