I agree with tony though, sven. Oreos must be fresh, must be consumed with ice cold, 2% milk, and you must try them.

Now, I wouldn't know about Oreos, but when it comes to milk, I am quite particular: it must contain at least 3% milk fat (local full-fat standard is 3.2%, the range in stores being from 0.1% to 4.5%), and must not under any circumstances be sterilized (mild pasteurization is OK if absolutely necessary, as is homogenization). Such milk has the same distinct mildly sourish smell as it had when it left cow (and of course keeps in the fridge two, at most three days). It is increasingly difficult to find such milk even here (only two or three small farms produce and pack it), as most consumers prefer more aggresively pasteurized or sterilized brands that keep longer, but have smell destroyed and taste changed. I particularly hate taste of caramelized lactose traces of which one can find in sterilized milk, the kind that keeps for months at room temperature. This is the food item I miss the most when abroad.

Dragi "Bonzi" Raos
Zagreb, Croatia
Q#5196, MkII#80000376, 18GB green
Dragi "Bonzi" Raos Q#5196 MkII #080000376, 18GB green MkIIa #040103247, 60GB blue