What's even worse.... I've dropped 50+ lbs in fat and added back on about 15lbs in muscle over the last 10 months... I haven't even begun to think about sweets or much of anything besides making sure I get enough Protein.

I'm thinking about grabbing the chocolate dipped Oreo's...

THAT, my friends... is just plain sad.

And on another note, I just finished upgrading my player with an additional 30G drive (from 12).... That was probably the hardest warranty sticker I've ever had to ignore, but honestly, it was worth it if for no other reason than to see the layout on the board in person. This machine truely is a very nice work of art, from the PCB layout to the HD chassis. Truely, very well done. And thankfully, everything went fine doing the upgrade. I lost my custom kernel (of course, now that I think about it.. It's stored in the flash ram that you built the builder image with.. NOT on the HD), but that was easily replaced. Caused me a bit of a panic until I realized what had happened... I've got too many experiences with Linux boxes eating their bootloader and then giving you hell rebuilding... I didn't even want to think about the recovery on this guy... I didn't see the Floppy connector inside.

Synergy [orange]mk2, 42G: [blue] mk2a, 10G[/blue][/green] I tried Patience, but it took too long.