Well, almost...

  • Install developer image (you can install consumer and developer images one over another as many times as you wish; the only thing that will disappear are your hacks in root partition). The only disadvantage of not having the developer image all the time is slightly less memory available to the player for caching.

  • Install your new disk as slave.
  • Run fdisk /dev/hda, type p to obtain the partition table listing, write it down, then q to quit without saving. (Be careful: /dev/hda is your first disk!)
  • Now run fdisk /dev/hdc (that is, repartition the new disk) and replicate partition structure of your old disk. 'Excess' space should be allocated to partition 4, as it is going to be mounted as the music partition. fdisk has m command that displays help. Note that Sven recommended making partition 4 only. I suppose this was just because it is a bit simpler, and secondary disk doesn't use others (as yet).
  • As per Sven's checklist make filesystem on partition 4 (mke2fs /dev/hdc4), but also on partitions 2 and 5 (i.e. all Linux partitions).
  • Prepare swap partition (mkswap /dev/hdc6).
  • Mount the new music partition (mount -n -o rw /dev/hdc4 /drive1).
  • Create necessary directories there (cd /drive1; mkdir fids; mkdir var)
  • Copy files from /drive0/var to /drive1/var (cd /drive0; cp -R var /drive1/var)
  • Remount read-only (ro)
  • Reboot looking at serial console output. Both disks should be recognised and both music partitions mounted.
  • Remove your first disk, mount new one as master.
  • The unit won't boot. Apply development image. Reboot. You should now have an empty, functioning empeg.
  • Add your old disk as slave. Reboot. You should see both disks and your old music.

    Now, the part of these complications is due to your wish to have new disk as primary, and the old one as secondary. If it is OK to have 48GB unit as secondary, Sven's instructions are adequate (or, if you want to be on the safe side, mine up to first reboot).

    Compare this to Sven's instructions and try to catch my errors (they are bound to crop up here and there ). Also, let's give Sven, Frank, Brian, guys@empeg and others time to spot any mistakes before actually doing this, since a typo can lead to, say, wiping out your music...

    Good luck!

    Dragi "Bonzi" Raos
    Zagreb, Croatia
    Q#5196, MkII#80000376, 18GB green
  • _________________________
    Dragi "Bonzi" Raos Q#5196 MkII #080000376, 18GB green MkIIa #040103247, 60GB blue