1. It took about 2 or 3 minutes for me. Don't use the -v option in tar because the serial output will slow things down.

2. I didn't use /empeg/var, though that is located on /drive0. I didn't use it because that's where "Important Things" like the database and config.ini live. I made "/drive1/opt/emptriv" and I would suggest something like that. /opt is the Unix standard root for user-installed software. My /drive0 is nearly full or I'd use that.

3. Yeah.

rm -rf /drive[01]/opt/emptriv/

I don't do any funny stuff like putting files in strange locations. Everything goes in the install directory.

4. The emptriv program has to actually be run in order to bind to the menus -- it's dynamic like that. So an upgrade won't affect it. This means if you want it to be available on bootup, you need a means to run it. I used Frank's custom init which calls /sbin/userinit (a shell script.) This shell script runs EmpTriv, among other things (inetd for FTP, displayserver, etc.)

I thought someone was working on a nice init which handles these things automagically. I believe it involved messing with .upgrade files and putting a filesystem on /dev/hda2 and chrooting to it. I don't remember how far this effort went. Presumably this would make installing and running EmpTriv easier. For now it needs to be done the old fashioned way, though.
- Tony C
my empeg stuff