Cool, constructive feedback!
Okiedoke. Yeah, it needs a nice install..
If you got an "rc something" it means that one of the hooks into the Mlord kernel didn't return the correct status. The menu item was in the menu but the process had exitted, hence the yucky-looking crash. No idea why that happened to you.
Yeah the Simpsons topic is cool. :) I'd like to find more Simpsons trivia to add to it.
The font is an EXACT replica of the Empeg player's smallest font used in Now and Next, Track Details, etc. So if you don't like that font, then you don't like mine. It's small, but anything larger would involve a TON of scrolling. The next smallest font is, well, like the larger player font, or Mlord's kernel font. Because it's a trivia game, a small font is necessary. Or I think so. I will think about adding a larger font option but that would involve a lot of re-working of my routines for word-wrapping, etc.
The categories screen does need work. I agree the "back" option at the bottom is lame. I will come up with something better.
Survival mode works fine for me! I've tried it many times. I'm not sure why it would be crashing after three tries for you. Is this repeatable?
My scoring algorithm is as follows. If you answer a question right, you get a # of points equal to that question's difficulty. If you answer it wrong, you get ( (100 - difficulty) / 5 ) deducted. I don't know why you would be seeing the scoring like you are unless the first question you answered was difficulty 1 (unlikely) and the second one was dificulty 10.
Yes, the wait between questions is a bit long. It's going to the filesystem to load the question. If the question doesn't match the difficulty range you've chosen, it goes for another question (ad infinitum). If you make your difficulty range very narrow (like 20 - 40 or 80 - 100) it might take a long time to find a question with that difficulty. Some creativity in how I load the categories could possibly make this less painful. I'll investigate that.
Thanks again for the suggestions (and the praise.)