True.. I had forgotten that T&R switched to freedb. I didn't remember it ever including artist names even when T&R used CDDB but that's been so long ago.

I'm not familiar with MP3 Tag Studio. Does it use CDDB or FreeDB? I thought CDDB changed their deal around to you had to have the CD in the drive to use it. While that's cool for ripping, it's kind of a pain for going back and managing your collection later.

Parsing the file name is pretty quick, though. After you get the hang of setting up parsing rules it's a snap and eventually after you set up a few sets of rules you almost always have one for whatever occasion may arise.

I used to use a program called Renamer from Gene6.Com that renamed by ID3 tags but as T&R has matured, I don't even have Renamer installed anymore. I don't think I've run into a situation in a LONG time that T&R wouldn't handle on it's own without me having to enter the tags manually.

Edited by KungFuCow (02/02/2002 21:04)