Usually though AllMusic or CDDB will have a format that's something like "Dee Lite/Groove Is In The Heart" as the filename. What you can do with T&R is write the tags where the artist and name are written as the song name, then rename the file using the tags and from there parse in the artist and correct title. I know it sounds like kind of a backwards way of doing it but it's really pretty fast. The soundtrack thing has always been kind of a whip for me too and that's the way I ended up doing it and it works very well.

I know it probably sounds like I'm on the T&R payroll the way I'm talking this program up but unfortunately I'm not. I'm just a longtime user and am excited in how far along this program has come and the work and commitment the author has put into it.

FWIW, I also have a Turtle Beack Audiotron which is a device kind of similar to the Rio Receiver. On the Audiotron mailing list, MP3 Tag Studio was the standard there too until people started using T&R.