Old behaviour:
- Start with a playlist containing 8 tracks, named "One", ..."Eight".
- Select "Five"
- Hold CTRL
- Press UP. "Five" is swapped with "Four"; "Five" is still highlighted
- Press UP. "Five" is swapped with "Three"; "Five" is still highlighted
- etc.
- Release CTRL
New behaviour:
- Start with a playlist containing 8 tracks, named "One", ..."Eight".
- Select "Five"
- Hold CTRL
- Press UP. "Five" is swapped with "Four"; no item is now highlighted; focus is on "Four"
- Release CTRL
- Press UP. "Five" is now selected
- Hold CTRL
- Press UP. "Five" is swapped with "Three"; no item is now highlighted; focus is on "Three"
- Release CTRL
- etc
Because the moved item has lost the highlight and the focus, it's no longer possible to quickly move items a long way.
I get the same new behaviour using the toolbar buttons; I never tried these with the older version.
Possibly related: in older versions, if several contiguous items were selected, they all moved together with CTRL-UP etc; now only one of them moves.