here's a screenshot from my environment right now (w/ mozilla-esque skin).

Cool things to note:
mailing lists folder -- i didn't set that up, it dynamically creates that based on email titles

active contacts -- names of people i have emails from in my mail database right now (turns bold with # to tell you how many unread emails you have by that person). if you select the person, it shows you all the emails from him/her

my folders -- you can setup dynamic folders off of different filter/search criteria

received -- shows all unread messages (you can actually toggle different filters for this one -- i have it mapped to just unread)

attachments -- contains all the attachments for all the emails in your database (by file type)

Anyway -- it's just a cool concept... And I'm actually kind of digging that it's integrated in with the browser (it's just a different tab view that you can show or hide at any time) since I have a browser and my email open all day long ...


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