I am dragging from my INBOX to the destination folder. It does drag, and it does disappear from the INBOX but only until I click another folder, and then click back. Then all the messages I just removed re-appear. Cant figure out why...

I find OE faster than it only in terms of mail checking. When I open OE it takes a fraction of a second from the time the window is fully opened until it shows me which folders have unread messages and how many. Opera seems to take a couple of seconds before it knows whats out there. Also I've had it fail to connect to my server (which I know is up, 'cause its on the floor here next to me) a couple of times, which seems to confuse it. Not sure why it's doing that.

All in all though its the only client for IMAP other than OE that I've been willing to spend more than five minutes on. So I guess there is something about it that intrigues me.
I'm gonna keep playing with it and see how it comes out...
...all I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by.