I *hate* HTML in my emails
One question I have for the people here. Why do most MCSE certified people feel the need to wave this around so much? I can spot an e-mail from an MCSE tech in my inbox a mile away with the message size. One I got today was 44k and 5 attachments. Aparently he needed to make sure I knew he was MCSE certified with Outlook, since he showed off by using a background, MCSE logo, blue and red ribbon, the company logo (No, I didn't forget who I work for), and some unknown 5th file. All to say his previous message of 40k forgot the link to the MS Technet site about some new dynamic disk problem.
I need to start attaching a large version of the Sair LCP logo to my e-mails to these individuals. I'm thinking 800x600 minimum, to make sure they see it.
I really wish people would do the same thing I do any time I use a mail client. Find the plain text send option.