I'm using it for IMAP also ... I must admit I'm still learning my way around, but for me when I drag mail between folders, it seems to work ... one thing you might want to check, are you dragging from your IMAP INBOX to your IMAP destination folder, or from "Received" or "Unread" to that folder? I wonder if that makes a diff? I dragged from INBOX=>destination and it seems to work.

it appears that you CAN delete contacts ... By it's name "Active Contacts", I got the impression that it is somehow different than Contacts -- I assumed active contacts is anyone you are keeping mail around from, maybe?

Odd about speed -- i was thinking it was faster than OE ... My biggest thing is that it doesn't do the infuriating process that OE does for deleting imap messages (the "delete"... purge ... decides to reappear or not go away routine).

I think the root of my problem is that I'm so emotionally defeated by IMAP clients on Windows that if it just doesn't physically harm me then I'm happy ... sort of an alcoholic wife syndrome or something?

I'll keep looking around in the client and see if I can find anymore info ...
