Just think, if you'd been able to repeat your results, you might have been able to publish and move on to a life of acclaim. Alas, 98% perspiration. On the other hand, nothing ventured, nothing gained (nor, in your case, lost).

My AP physics teacher's primary job was coaching swimming. Only one person in the class (of 15) dared take the AP exam. They got a 3. (For non-US folks - AP exam is a college level exam rated 1-5. A 4 or 5 will usually get you a credit or a placement in an advanced class freshman year. 3 means squat.)

I only passed my freshman physics class the next year by making sure that the units worked right. If the answer was in the right units, it was probably not too far off.

Least favorite expression in O'Hanian (aka O'Heinous)'Physics':
"It should be intuitively obvious to the most casual of observers that: "

I didn't find the following line's statement obvious, casual observations or no. Oh well. That's the beauty of physics: it keeps right on working regardless of whether one understands it or not.
