I only wish. I was doing 45 through a green light when some old man decided to turn left through the light without actually checking to see if someone was *gasp* going straight. He was doing at least 30-35. Head on collision unavoidable. When I bought that particular Cherokee (used) I paid 14,000. They estimated about 7000 of damage to the car. By the time they had finished "fixing" my car, they had spent closer to 15000. Plus rented me a car for 3 months while mine was in for repair. Then the damn thing never did run quite right again. Not to mention all the little things that I couldn't "prove" were caused by the wreck, such as the rear door hydraulic arm bolt shearing off inside the door frame. Oh well... I finally just sold it for $1000 two years later and bought a mustang. The 80-something year old man's car was totally gone. He's lucky to be alive, especially considering I had to keep my g/f from throttling him. Insurance companies suck.