We use pretty standard build requirements, except for glib-1.2 (which has been around for at least a few years) and the fftw libraries (which our algorithm relies on). Other than that you shouldn't have any problems building it.You are right, of course. I have some mixup between glib 1.0.6 and 1.2.3 (with both versions in /usr/lib, older one being default), with some apps requiring each (and without development version of 1.2.3 installed, apparently, so no glib-config). I extracted glib-config from 1.2.3 dev manually, but now of course glib test program does not run due to old includes. I will try installing 1.2.3 dev somehere else and tell config manually where are libs and includes.
It seems I will not be able to postpone that upgrade much longer....

UPDATE: I am a complete idiot, of course. All it took was to force-install glib-dev-1.2.3 (and the only other package that depended on earlier version, gtk). Now I am playing with sndref.

Dragi "Bonzi" Raos
Zagreb, Croatia
Q#5196, MkII#80000376, 18GB green
Edited by bonzi on 13/9/00 10:01 PM.