I also experienced this. However, I still had some problems. Here's what I did.
I loaded one song, the Beatles' "Across the Universe". I knew it had absolutely no tag info in it. To my suprise, it filled out some info on it. I appologize for my earlier confusion, but there was no information saying the program did this.
Anyway, it only filled out the artist and track name fields. Of course, I wanted all the fields. So I tried something else. I removed the song from the playlist and closed the program. I then renamed the song from "Beatles - Across the Universe.mp3" to "song.mp3". Then I removed all tag info. Then I opened PMA and loaded the song. This time it just sat there, with the word "song" sitting in the track name field. I played the entire song about 3 times. Nothing.
What's up?
I also have yet to see a song get all it's fields completed. That's including "Loser" by Beck which, I assume, xml was able to get.
ps-honestly, I don't want another MP3 player. You should stick to making a program the
just tags songs at first. After that works, you should expand.