I put together an ugly little shell script that will call songprint and add the tag to the MP3. I tested it in Cygwin, but it should work in any unix environment. It looks to see if you have an id3v1 tag and if so, preserves the year (because SongPrint doesn't provide that info). If SongPrint returns multiple albums, it uses the one that was already there, if it was in the list SongPrint returned, otherwise it uses the first one returned. That may have been confusing, sorry. It doesn't overwrite the old tag, just adds another one after it. It is exteremely slow due to the fact that accessing the SongPrint database is extremely slow (but low CPU utilization). It took me about 8 hours to id 2858 songs, of which 1214 were recognised. Thats about 42%, a little lower than I was expecting. And my music is not all that weird. ClemsonJeep said in September of last year that there were 60,000 songs in the database and growing daily, so maybe others will have a higher percentage than I did. You can periodically run tagall to tag any new mp3s you have aquired and/or attempt to tag any mp3s that were previously unrecognized. It will not attempt to re-tag mp3s already tagged by this tool. This will make subsiquent calls to 'tagall' faster, depending on how many songs it recognized the first time around. It uses the comment field to tell if it was already succesful for a given mp3.
27694-tagit (278 downloads)