Okay, then it goes back to what I said earlier. I thought PMA was supposed to do all this, but it just plain doesn't!
Here's the message I get when I highlight "Would?" by Alice In Chains:
In reply to:
"Would" is a user-defined song.
eTantrum.com cannot give detailed information about user-defined songs.
This is exactly what it gives me for EVERY SINGLE SONG I TRY!! Now, I might be mistaken about which button does what, so the "More Info" button may not be what I'm supposed to press for this function. However, the help file says this:
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The More Info Button
This is where you can find out all the information on the song that you are currently listening to. Artist, Track name, Album it was released on, and Lyrics (if available). This will also be where you can use the "sounds like" feature to find similar sounding music.
That sure sounds like it to me. Although it doesn't say anything about filling out the tags it'self. It looks more like this program is informational. Like it will tell you the information and make you go change it. I don't know, it may be just me, but I think this program is trying to be too many things.