Thanks for clearing this up a little.
Then how do you explain my "Across the Universe" thing? When the filename was "BEATLES -- Across the Universe.mp3", when it was loaded into the player it eventually filled out the track name field and the artist field. The others were blank. And there was no tag info on the file to start with.
Then I renamed the file "song.mp3" just to test it. It didn't find it, and left the word "song" in the track name field.
Then there's the test I ran with Beck's "Loser". In the very first post in this thread, the xml found the info for an arbitrary song off of Beck's Mellow Gold album, the same one that "Loser" is on. But when I loaded "Loser", it didn't find it. Instead it did the same as the Beatles tune, and put the filename, sans-extention, in the track name field.
I'm still figuring out how this thing works. also, is it possible to return info to the database using PMA? How does it know if we
don't want it to fill out our tags for us.