This guy hates Bush so much that I doubt money was a factor.
Yeah... While my poll asks what I aimed to be a rhetorical question, if I had to redo it, I guess would ask "Did the documents faxed to CBS originate with: The DNC, Karl Rove, Bill Burkett or None of The Above?"
Burkett made no attempt to appear a disinterested observer , and CBS with 10 seconds Googling could have confirmed that.
I can't believe anyone believed that memo. Proportional fonts on a 1972 memo -- something that would have been written on a typewriter? Come on. Obvious fake from the moment I saw it.
I never looked at these as I figured automatically that much more critical experts would. Too bad CBS couldn't be bothered. The performance of the electonic media in this country is soooo disheartening. Edward R. Murrow rolls over in his grave.
To the original rhetorical point of my poll: The AP was covering Bush's National Guard service. Other news outlets -- pack mentality at work -- were starting to join in. If I were Karl Rove and saw this forest fire heading my way, I can not think of a better backfire to light than these Burkett memos. While the ANG commander's secretary still says "That's pretty much what he (Killian) said" [my paraphrase] that story is now ancient history. Now thanks to CBS avarice, gullibility, negligence, incompetence, whatever, the story is about Burkett, unfounded attacks on Fearless Leader, about CBS, and about demands for an apology.
I would like to think that if the Dems wanted to do this and not have it discredited (and backfire), they would have found a proper typewriter. I can conceive that Burkett might have created these as indignant facsimiles of memos that *used* to exist, but what a bad call if so. My Rove screnario -- Burkett getting suckered -- I can't dismiss if only because of the great benefit the Bush campaign will have accrued from this fiasco, It is getting to the point that I think anybody on any side (but the Republican apparatus in particular!) would say and do anything given the absolute rightness of their cause.
I hate tinfoil hat movies like JFK, but memories of the mysterious Jack Ruby preoccupy me as we near November 2nd
'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.