I'm afraid of alienating myself to members who hate BushBrad, that just
isn't going to happen here.
I don't know whether you realize it, but you are quite highly thought of on this bbs. While I can't speak for everyone, I can say that while I disagree strongly with your [political] opinions, I enjoy the hell out of reading them, thinking about them, and occasionally responding to them.
What a dull place this bbs would be if everybody agreed with everybody else about everything! Myself, I (and I suspect the great majority of bbs members) don't feel that you are
in any way an unworthy or inferior person just because your opinion differs from mine.
Even if your opinion
is ridiculous, uninformed, and likely to lead to the end of civilization as we know it.

Please keep up the good work, and don't let all us commie-pinko-left-wing-liberals put you down without a fight!