This is the only part of your post that doesn't make sense to me: how can anyone agree with Bush's motives and ideology, when Bush hasn't made it clear what those motives and ideology are?
I think it's pretty clear that Bush comes from a position of conservative faith. I see in many cases how his faith drives his decisions, so I can say with some amount of confidence that our sense of morality comes from the same source. Politically I find myself somewhat to the left of Bush and most Republicans (I don't support the gay marriage ammendment, I don't think their should be public prayer in school, etc.), but because we share similar belief systems Bush's views are closer to mine than Kerry or just about any other Democrat. Not that a person with similar faith can't be a Democrat, but usually they choose not to be because many of the party's ideals are just not consistend with our belief system. I've said before that I don't feel well represented by these candidates, and that's why I'm so frustrated by the system at the moment. But as far as Bush the man goes (not Bush the politican), I'm pretty sure he and I would find very similar ideals as to where we want this country to go. I just have some different ideas when it comes to how those ideas can affect policy.
As to the rest of your post, all I can say is that you have good points but our options are really limited here. My choices are for either Bush, with whom I agree standpoint of goals and ideals but who has not impressed me with his actions, or Kerry who has largely remained undefined as far as goals go. And when he does define his beliefs and what drives him they always contrary to mine.
I should note that one allegation that is made over and over again that really bugs me is how Republicans say they want to spend less but then end up spending more. This bugs me because it's true and that is truly frustrating. I do think we ought to spend less in taxes and on government programs like the Republicans say, but they don't seem to know how to follow through on that. At least Democratic leaders have some integrity on this point by not claming the can do more with less.
So this is all what I meant by being a weak supporter of Bush. He's the better choice for me, but he certainly isn't the perfect person to represent me in office. Of course, there's no way that person could ever be elected so someone like Bush is probably the best shot I get. 
Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.