I have the same attitude on this that Jim does, and you raise a good point. (Other than using the wrong word; it should be "prejudiced".)
Bigot still seams to stick.
But being Christian and promoting that fact are choices they made, and I can just as easily choose not to use them.
So it's okay to be Christian, as long as you're not proud of it and have it as part of your identity in the same way people put most stickers on their car? So I guess it's okay to be gay too, just so long as you don't come out of the closet.
At the same time, what if someone pointed out that their business was "white owned"?
You're setting yourself up here... You question leads to this one, "What if someone pointed out their business was black owned?" It would be wrong for me to deny them business just because they point out they are black owned for the very same reason that it is wrong of someone to refuse business with someone because they are Christian.
It's funny, you're not so much offended by someone being Christian, you're just offended at someone being proud of it. Do you propose I use a different drinking fountain from you as well?
Brad B.