To be honest, I only got into this conversation because it seemed innocent enough at first. I've been thinking of posting my own thread for several months about how sick I am of all the hatred in Off Topic. I cringe everytime I click on Off Topic and usually skip it all together. The hate is 10 times worse than the stuff that turned me away from the Republican party during Clinton's stay in office. I've even IM'd a few members of this BBS regarding the fact that I'd like to get involved in some intelligent debate but that I'm afraid of alienating myself to members who hate Bush. I actually thought for a few days that genexia wasn't replying to my inquirey for a memory upgrade on my player because of some of the conservative posts I've made in the past. I realize that I have no reason to think that, but I just hate the fact that it even went through my mind.

It'd be interesting to discuss views and theories on relavant topics instead of tossing around the word liar or repeating whatever conspiracies are heard on right-wing and left-wing media. I'm well aware this would be the exception. Don't get me wrong, for the most part, the Bush haters here do a decent job of keeping themselves from frothing at the mouth. But I doubt it will stop after November. Either Bush will win and the Democrats will continue to pound him while seeking an impeachment or Kerry will win and once the reality of that sinks in, people will have to remind themselves how much they hated Bush so they don't feel so bad.

I admit that it's no fun getting piled on here, but I really don't expect anyone to jump in. Besides, the technology community tends to be pretty "progressive" anyway.

That being said, it was Jim's comment that Heinz Kerry was hot that truely made me realize that some of you can not be reasoned with.

233608-teresaheinzkerry.jpg (235 downloads)

Brad B.