Bruno, I'm thinking that you, Bitt, and I are agreeing on the principal. The difference is that we do not share the same taste in TV shows

I don't like a single show you listed. I wanted to start watching
How I Met Your Mother because of Alyson Hannigan and Jason Segal, but the show left me cold. I simply can't watch the standard, cliched sitcoms anymore.
Okay, that's all I really have for arguing

I agree, just about different shows. And frankly, if
Veronica Mars's future is as bleak as some are saying, I'm going to be one pissed off TV viewer. That might be my favorite show at the moment.
I just wanted to comment on some other things you said:
the technical aspects of Smallville are pretty good. But I just can't get into the show.
I can totally understand that. The teenage drama stuff gets really annoying. I watch it for the Superman stuff.
I'll chime in on Andy Barker though...It's not as enjoyable as Andy Richter's previous shows...And I think Andy is generally a LOT funnier than Conan.
I agree that it's nowhere near as good as Andy Richter Controls the Universe. That show was hilarious. I think conan is funnier on his own show, but I still really like his humor. You say you've only watched two episodes? Have you seen the one about chicken? That one had me cracking up the most (when Harve Presnell asks "ever been to Havana?" I was cracking up).