re: Veronica Marrs
Yes, I've watched it. One episode straight through and portions of other episodes. It's not horrible in any sense that immediately comes to mind, it just feels like kiddy-fluff TV that has a real made-for-after-school-tv air to me.
I probably should have said Nancy Drew instead of Hardy Boys, but the point is roughly the same.
Wow. IMO, that description couldn't be further from the truth. Simply watching the first 10 minutes of the entire series would be enough to tell you that this aint no Nancy Drew.
And I'm not sure what this "made-for-after-school-tv air" comes from. What kind of after school programming did you have growing up? Mine was nothing like that! 
Re: the Heroes stuff
V znvagnva gung vg jnf abg n synj. Cheryl ybtvpnyyl, zl cbvag nobhg ubj Flyne tnvaf uvf cbjref jnf gung V qba'g oryvrir Flyne pna tnva fbzrbar'f cbjre jvgubhg xvyyvat gurz. Gur Unvgvna vf fgvyy nyvir. Ubj qb lbh rkcynva gung?
Naq V znvagnva gung gur zbgvingvbaf bs nyy gur punenpgref vf ragveryl cynhfvoyr. Qb lbh ernyyl guvax vg'f gung zhpu bs n fgergpu sbe Cnexzna gb pneel bhg gur npgvbaf ur qvq? Jr'er gnyxvat svir lrnef bs fhcreurebf qrnyvat jvgu n obzo gung xvyyrq zvyyvbaf. V qba'g guvax gur snpg gung ur'f orpbzr qnex vf gbb zhpu bs n ernpu. Uryy, V qba'g guvax ur'f arprffnevyl "rivy." V guvax ur'f whfg fgenvarq, naq V'z unccl gb frr gung guvf fubj unf tenl nernf. V jnf fgnegvat gb jbaqre.