Gurer'f ab dhrfgvba nobhg jub ahxrf AL - bayl ubj/jul. Vg'f Crgre naq vg nyjnlf unf orra. Vg jnf cerqvpgrq ol Vfnnp'f ivfvbaf, pbasvezrq ol Yvaqrezna naq ntnva va ynfg avtug'f rcvfbqr ol Crgre uvzfrys.
Gur ernfba ynfg avtug'f rcvfbqr jnf jbaxl sbe gur Unvgvna... Nf vf nccnerag gb gur nhqvrapr, gur Unvgvna jnf nyernql ntnvafg gur jvfurf bs gur pbzcnal cevbe gb hf qvfpbirevat gung UET jnf va snpg n orggre crefba ng urneg. Gur Unvgvna urycrq pynve, urycrq UET, rgp.
Ur jnf nyfb n shtvgvir sebz gur pbzcnal naq yvxryl bar jub jbhyq or ryvzvangrq vs sbhaq naq abg noyr gb or pbagebyyrq. Gung'f gur cvrpr gung jnf zvffvat ynfg avtug. Ab rkcynangvba be vaqvpngvba bs jung jnf tbvat ba jvgu uvz. Znlor jr'yy frr fbzrguvat gb rkcynva vg be znlor jr jba'g. Unq gurl abg unq uvz va gur rcvfbqr vg jbhyq unir whfg orra na rnfvre/pyrnare fryy (nf gurl nyfb yrsg bhg n ahzore bs bgure punenpgref, fbzr bs jubzr jrer zragvbarq nf univat orra ryvzvangrq). I can still see some merit in the original CSI, but the other two shows are complete garbage. The writing and acting is totally sub-par, they're just annoying to watch. Far too many shows use bogus computer interfaces like the forever zooming digital enhancement or the fingerprint database search (seriously what kind of dumb-ass interface would display finger prints as it's searching them? - you'd be there for the next year waiting for it to finish.) But that works for most people, because you know what? The majority of the TV watching public are complete rubes. If you've ever worked various types of trade shows you can get a reallly good sampling of what comes out of the woodwork and how even people who work every day with different types of technology know next to nothing about it.
But nothing on TV right now is as bad as something I saw a little bit of a few nights ago. I was doing work and had it on in the background but had to turn it off before throwing up all over my keyboard. The Dukes of Hazzard in Hollywood. Wow, what a total crapfest. I thought for sure Veronica Marrs was going to show up and help them against the bad guys.

But hey, there's no accounting for taste. Some people think the performances on American Idol are better than those on the Rockstar show (the INXS and Supernova shows of the past two summers). It's like a blind person doing Etch-a-Sketch versus Van Gogh.
BTW, I think some of this post is missing... The spoiler tag content went all weird and I didn't use ampersands. For some reason some "oe" tags (HTML style with pointy braces) appeared scattered within it. I'll try not to edit this post again, lest it get even more cac'd.