My apologies for the confusion. I understand what you're saying now. And I apologize, but I only have two things I need to say about it:
1) V fgvyy guvax gung svir lrnef nsgre n ubeevoyr rirag yvxr gung pna punatr gurfr crbcyr va jnlf gung pbhyq yrnq gurz gb nyy fbegf bs bhgpbzrf. V'z fhecevfrq lbh guvax guvf vf fb sne srgpurq.
2) Gur Unvgvna jnfa'g pbzcyrgryl hfryrff gb gur cybg bs gur rcvfbqr. Ur unf gur novyvgl gb fryrpgviryl pbageby jub'f cbjref ur vauvovgvat. Jr fnj guvf jura ur fgbccrq Flyne, ohg Rir jnf noyr gb hfr ure novyvgl gb znxr uvz hapbafpvbhf. Sbe guvf cnegvphyne rcvfbqr, gurl arrqrq uvz fb Cnexzna pbhyq vagreebtngr Uveb.Okay, I'm done. I definitely don't think this show is the best on TV, but I do think it's improved as the season has progressed.
Bruno, it's apparent you have a different taste in TV. I guess we just have our own preferences.
But you're wrong about Veronica