Just last night, about 2/3 of the way through season 3, I decided, "F this. This show is retarded".
I said that after suffering through the first season. I don't see why people consider the show to be good.
Well, they certainly keep you on the edge of your seat, and Jack Bauer is definitely one of the most badass characters around (he's so tough he doesn't have to pee).
Aside from that the writing is dull, the plots aren't very creative, most of the characters do really dumb things that no sane person would do, and the whole show is repetitive. Other than that, it's great! 
I wish someone would create a list of the dumbest TV characters of all time, just so Kim Bauer could be right there on the top. She is the stupidest character ever. yet somehow she became a computer technician worthy of CTU in just three years (between season two and three). Riiiight...