That was really rather good smile

Out of interest, do you have this sort of difficulty with films? Like, for example, Cloverfield?

How about rollercoasters? I assume you're not really a fan wink

It would be interesting to see if it's the motion without feedback cues that causes the problem, or perhaps some artifact of the visuals not having the field of view relative to the motion itself that causes this problem. Something like one of my stereo video robots would be an interesting test.

I find this sort of issue quite interesting, but can't really understand it from a personal viewpoint, as I am (apparently, at least to date) completely unaffected by motion sickness/vertigo/seasickness, etc. Video games, light aircraft, roller coasters, boats, you name it, nothing has ever caused any feelings such as those you describe, so I don't have personal knowledge of this sort of problem.

I do sympathise, though.

Experience is what you get just after it would have helped...