wow, well.. hehe i dont knwo what to say.. i decied to go xm mainly for the paoint that i got free gear thru my company, i just have to pay for 11 months of the service, and yes i can afford $400, but the point is exactly what hybrid said, and i do understand what u were thinking about the combo of the 2 being about the same or a lill less than when they had the blowout sale.. im not trying to be rude.. and im not saying you are.. just kinda shocked me that someone would put that kinda of money into fm radio, its something i havent used in my car since i got the player.. and i feel my $70 went to waste, i have it more of a safty thing rather than for music, becusae i would like to know about traffic, and emergency information, that the empeg cant do on its own. well no hard feelings
---- Justin Larsen