Your best bet with this is to get an FM tuner for you computer (like $20, I think) and a program that can record on a timer. I think TotalRecorder can...
Yes Total Recorder can do that, but
this page at has the show broke down in segments.
Ahh crap, I just double-checked and it's .ram format. Well better get the FM tuner and the Total Recorder. Or you could record the playback with Total Recorder, TR will not record any gaps from buffering pauses.
I'm currently working on getting my comp to capture DirecTv/TiVo feeds so I can archive the fishing shows... And make my own fishing shows with the miniDV camera
Dave Clark
Georgetown, Texas
MK2A 42Gb - AnoFace - Smoke Lens - Dead Tuner - Sirius Radio on AUX