I can't believe that people want FM that bad! Even when I only had about 1000 tracks on my empeg, I didn't miss radio at all except for traffic and weather. Simply putting the TV on while I get dressed for work fixed that (radio traffic updates never did me any good because I had already chosen my route to work and couldn't do anything about an accident).

My guess is that the only people who would pay over $100 for a tuner are the same people that didn't "get" what the empeg truley was. Not because the total price (clearence price + ebay tuner) is still cheaper than original MSRP though. If you really understand the empeg, and know that it was designed to carry your entire music collection, there is no need for radio. If you love radio so much, then you probably don't own many CD's because you are happy hearing Linkin Park 20 times a day (ie, mp3 isn't really for you.)

I hope I didn't come off as being elitist to our new members. It is easy to see why so many people didn't "get" the power of the empeg because Sonicblue did very little advertiseing. I didn't "get" the empeg until I had been reading this BBS for a few months, realized its community would be around to support it, knew that the community included the actual empeg team and saw a long video demo of the unit. Even after that, I needed a little nudge. But, being an "old-hand" now (hehe), I can say, from a year's ownership experience, I have never wished I had an FM radio (soooo lo-fi) and would have felt I wasted my money if I had spent $100 on one. I've wanted to post this more often, to maybe save ONE person from getting ripped off on eBay, but I didn't want to, in the same stride, reduce the chance of the independantly funded tuner run mentioned in this thread.

So IF you want a tuner, wait for the next batch, but it's not worth $300! (get a FM Walkman (do they still make those? ) and hook it up to the Aux. The reason many of us long-time members get upset is because this whole community has been based on people going out of their way to help others out of generousity. Even the empeg team encourages you to upgrade your own hard drive if they feel you are up to it! I don't think Frank got paid for his Displayserver or Mark got paid for his Kernal hack (other than some kind donations). The smoked lens were very affordable. No $$ is being made off of this BBS (no ads! ) or RioCar.org. I could go on and on and on.
Brad B.