0.8, which is fast becoming the new national standard for legally intoxicated

I think in order to get certain Federal funds for road repair, states are required to use the 0.8 limit and that's why it's becoming the standard.

I agree with Tony, I'd like to get one out of curiousity. I'm 30 years old and am not going to use it for bragging rights with my friends. I stopped that kinda stuff before I was even old enough to legally drink. The thing is, we can go on and on about 0.8 or 1.0 or 0.6, etc. But until you have some ways of measuring it, we'll never know how it feels. All of those estimates based on % of alcholol, body weight, etc are just guesses. And considering how expensive drinking fines are, simply knowing "I'm fine to drive" doesn't hold up too well in court.

Note, from what I've read, most of these are not accurate in cold weather.
Brad B.