
- Two weak beers at home (well, "Smirnoff Ice", basically soda-pop flavored beer), I blow an 0.02. I feel only a slight alcoholic effect in my head. In the past, that effect would have been enough for me to ask someone else to drive if possible. Now I know better.

At 5% alcohol I'm not sure that you could describe Smirnoff Ice as the equivalent of a weak beer. That is a higher alcohol content than most "standard" beers in the UK.

(I note bizarrely that in the rest of the world Smirnoff Ice is made from vodka as you would expect, where as in the US it is described as being made from a "malt alternative")


- Margaritas at restaurants a few times, couldn't seem to get any that were made strong enough to register at all. Didn't taste much alcohol in them, didn't feel any effect, didn't register a single point on the toy.

Surely if Margaritas aren't getting a reading you are getting ripped off ? A shot or two of Tequilla should get you a reading.
Remind me to change my signature to something more interesting someday