Don't want to jump into the debate side of the thread, but want to comment on this:

Just like Tony Fabris, I'm curious. The fact is, "0.08" is an abstract number. If I feel totally fine after only two beers during a hockey game but I then learn that regardless of the fact that I feel sober I'm in fact blowing a 0.07 it might open my eyes to how low the legal limit really is. (And would make that beer not worth getting the next time around). Or, I might blow on the thing and see I barely register on the scale. Then I'd know I was either being a little paranoid or there were other factors at play.

Exactly. That's exactly what I wanted to find out. Where am I with regard to alcohol paranoia. Am I too conservative when limiting my intake or not conservative enough?

My experience with the toy so far:

- Two weak beers at home (well, "Smirnoff Ice", basically soda-pop flavored beer), I blow an 0.02. I feel only a slight alcoholic effect in my head. In the past, that effect would have been enough for me to ask someone else to drive if possible. Now I know better.

- Margaritas at restaurants a few times, couldn't seem to get any that were made strong enough to register at all. Didn't taste much alcohol in them, didn't feel any effect, didn't register a single point on the toy.

- Shot of Cuervo at a comedy club last night: Didn't feel any effect from it, so didn't bother even trying to blow. I was also drinking soda pop and had just eaten a big meal, so that's most likely the reason it didn't affect me.

So, in other words, I haven't really had a chance to try the toy out seriously yet. But in the meantime, I'm demonstrating that this thing isn't turning me into Tucker Max or anything.
Tony Fabris