I can only guess that states that still allow this have very low rates of alcohol related car accidents or the businesses that sell them have a strong lobby. Either way, it doesn't seem right.

Actually, in the article it says:

Montana has the highest rate of alcohol-related deaths, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

I guess it was more an issue of cultural change than strong lobbies, because it sure wasn't because of a low accident rate.

This all reminds me of an episode of "Crossballs" that was on Comedy Central about a year ago. They had comedians posing as people who would debate one side of an issue against an unknowing opponant on a fake TV talk show. This one episode they had a comedian saying "The solution is that people just need more practice driving drunk". When asked if he used the 1 and 11 o'clock positions on the steering wheel he said, "No, I use six o'clock... with my knee. I can't hold my burger and a beer in one hand!"
Mark Cushman