Will you please get off of your high horse and stop being so condescending towards me?

I haven't meant to be condescending towards you before. I try to stick to the issues. The only gripe I have about your actions here on the board is that often times, when someone disagrees with you or points out a flaw in your logic, you take it as a personal attack, or say "why do I even bother?" implying that the rest of us aren't even worth your time in explaining your side of the story, or more perplexingly, state that a large group of people has a personal vendetta against you.

I enjoy hearing different points of view, and responding to them, because it sharpens my own knowledge of whatever is being discussed. That being said, it's a real downer when someone comes in who is more than happy to poke holes at others' arguments, but throws up his hands or runs away pouting when it comes back the other way.

In any event, I'm sorry to offend you. I was just pointing out your inaccurate portrayal of water as something that affects sobriety in any way. If you'd like to explain that, I'll be happy to continue our discussion in a non-adversarial manner.
- Tony C
my empeg stuff