In PA I think you still have to buy hard liquor and wine from state-run liquor stores.


Beer in 6-packs can only be bought at bars

Yes, along with 12-packs, 40 oz bottles, "girlie drinks" like wine coolers, and a few other odds and ends. I'm pretty sure the rule is no more than 192 oz of product per purchase, but most bars/bottle shops are keen to look the other way when people buy a 12 pack, set it down outside (guarded by a friend, of course!) and buy several more. It's a rather ridiculous song and dance that I've participated in several times at around 1:50am when the beer's run out.

but you may be able to buy cases of beer in supermarkets... I can't recall.

Nope, no alcohol in supermarkets, convenience stores, etc. The only place you can get cases of 24 is at beer distributors. The state stores only sell wine and spirits, no beer. As for the bottle shops, I'm pretty sure that anyone with a liquor license can sell carry-out beer.
- Tony C
my empeg stuff