I'm not referring to any past debates or discussions. It doesn't make any sense to me to take that stuff into a thread that isn't referring to it. I havn't gotten into any of those topics in quite a while. And when I say "it's not worth it" I simply mean it's not worth carrying on a thread that for whatever reason ended up getting offensive to some or personal. And the reason it's not worth it is because I value what I take as good relationships with people here more than I value any "he said, she said" argument. We're all friend here. The empeg is why most of us joined, but it doesn't explain why we visit every day.
Regarding my understanding of the issue , I was under the impression that the rate at which alcohol is absorbed into the body is a direct result of the water content of the person. This is the main reason that women absorb alcohol quicker then men (assuming they weigh the same). Because of this, mixing non-alcoholic liquids in between alcoholic drinks reduces the rate of alcohol absorbtion. This is also why heavier people are less effected by alcohol. They have more blood and water in their bodies which helps dilute. In addition, the water not only dilutes the alcohol (giving your body more time to process it), water also helps the function of your kidneys and liver allowing them to filter the alcohol. The exception is carbonated non-alcoholic beverage which actually allow the alcohol to be absorbed quicker. A quick Google search seems to confirm my initial impression.
Once alcohol is absorbed into your bloodstream, no amount of water consumption will reduce your BAC. Water can only help prevent the rise of BAC, it can not reduce it once it's in your system.
Brad B.