Originally Posted By: hybrid8
Started recording The Finder but haven't watched any of it yet - commercials look good. I don't watch Bones, the show it's supposed to be spun from.

I have a bias against The Finder. Yes, technically it's a "spin-off" of Bones, but really not at all. Let me tell you a short story:

I sit down one day to watch Bones, a silly CSI-like procedural that I started because Angel was on it and kept watching because I liked the characters. But what I got this day was essentially the pilot episode for this Finder show, with characters who had never been mentioned on the show before, and where the characters from the show I actually wanted to watch showed up for about five minutes total. Fox decided that the best way to launch a series was to deprive the fans of one show so that they could expose them to the new one. As a result, I think I'll be skipping The Finder on principal.

Mainly, I'm surprised it took the show this long to come out. That bait and switch episode came out a long time ago...

I will take a look at Touch, the new Keiffer Sutherland show, even though it's created by that hack, Tim Kring (Heroes). Kring's involvement is the biggest detractor for me.

Ew, I agree. I didn't know it was a Tim Kring show. I don't really know why they keep giving that guy work when he hasn't really done anything. He seems to be failing up. At least when Bryan Fuller fails to gain traction with a show, it's something great that just doesn't find a wide audience. I'll probably check out Touch, but it really looks like they wanted to put Kiefer in a 24 replacement and have an automatic fanbase.

Hell on Wheels just finished last week - loved it.

Hmm, I'd heard mixed things, but I thought I'd check it out.

Don Cheadle in House of Lies is good.

I'd say he's good in pretty much everything, but I'd heard the show was horrible. Not so?

Fringe just came back on and very much still liking it.

I really love Fringe, but as I'd feared it's kind of suffering from the fact that they reached the culmination of everything the show was building to, and now it's just sort of coasting with no clear goal in sight. There are several small goals, but no over-arching objective.

Being Human US season 2 has started out well.

Darn! I forgot that was coming back. Hopefully Syfy will re-air the first episodes.

I just started watching Season 1 of Justified - Season 3 just premiered this month.

I really wanted to get into that show, but it just didn't grab me for some reason frown I like Timothy Oliphant, but I guess it just isn't my milieu.

I'm going to check out The River and a couple of other new series when they start up soon.

I keep seeing ads for The River, but the seem to be taking that "be mysterious and don't tell anyone what the show is about" approach. What's it about?